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Hamed O. Ghaffari
Postdoctoral Researcher


Hamed finished his PhD from the department of Civil Engineering (University of Toronto, 2014). He has obtained his BSc. and MSc. degrees in Mining Engineering and Rock Mechanics from Tabriz University and Tehran Polytechnique -Iran, respectively (2006, 2009). His main research during this period involved the physics of fractures/Rock Joints and fuzzy-rough set theories including data mining methods. From 2009 to 2010, he was a research assistant in Ottawa, studying coupled process (THM) and gas propagation in deep geological repositories. His main research interests are physics of friction, fracture, cracking noises and rupture mechanism in micro-/macro scales. The response of materials under dynamic loading and non-equilibrium statistical physics are his current projects.  


PhD: 2014   University of Toronto
MS: 2009     University of Tehran
BS: 2006      Tabriz University

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